The coolest Pacifier holders
When my son was a baby, he was notorious for losing his binky. He would throw it under a chair, drop it out of his stroller, or lose it in his hospital bed-I’ll get to that in a few. Back when he was small, the only holster we had was the one that clips to their onesie. It was okay, but he learned to rip it off and it was no fun for him. Not to mention, I really think that those types of holders weren’t as safe as these ones are. I also didn’t like that the baby could accidentally clip their fingers in the holder.
This is where I wish he had something like the 4 in 1 plush toy teether. This is one of the coolest holders that I have seen in a long time. It comes in three cute varieties of plush toys for distraction; elephant, dog, or bear. Each one having the ability to hold any pacifier on the market. It would be tough to lose something like the plush animal. Or even if you can’t remember where you put the binky, as soon as you see the animal, you’ll know there’s another one hiding in there.
The pacifier can be stored securely inside of the animals belly for safe keeping or you can put an extra one in there for those times when the original one happens to disappear. The colors on the animals were chosen based on research. These colors have been proven to be preferred by most babies. These colors make a larger impact on the baby’s retina and travel to their tiny brains quicker, making development of the brain and vision quicker.
As they suck away on their binky, they can hold that cute little plush toy for distraction. I really wish my son had this when he was baby. It would have made his hospital trips so much easier. Especially since he was teething at one point and it can be used as a teether as well. The teether is soft and flexible for easy chomping. This truly is a fantastic product.
Now, a little backstory on my son and how he got his first bink. My son was born on in 2009 on the 29th of April. Everything was seemingly normal until they took him for one of his normal checkups. They came back to me and said that his oxygen was low and that they had him on oxygen. Come to find out, he was born with Tetralogy of Fallot. Roughly 1 out of every 2,500 babies are born with it. It’s a congenital heart defect and is characterized by the combination of four different heart issues put together. So, needless to say he had a rough start to life. They sent him to another hospital and that’s where they gave him his first binky and when the loss of many binks began.